
Hoteline ( Mr.Yang)


Application Cost-Effective Video Case

Take 'type 65 hard PVC granulation machine' as an example

The screw effective length of the 65 type conical co-rotating twin-screw rigid PVC granulator is 2800 mm, the screw speed is 70 rpm, and the normal output is 600 kg/h.

The actual production process of the conical co rotating twin screw PVC granulation machine is only about 70A, so the power of the main motor is only about 30KW per hour. The maximum output of the machine can reach 750kg/h, so the power consumption of producing 1 tons of PVC particles is only about 80 degrees. (similar equipment produces 1 tons of particles, which consume 160 degrees of electricity).

Therefore, the 'conical double screw hard PVC granulation machine' produces 1 tons of particles more than 80 degrees (50%) of 'single screw', 'flat double' or 'taper double' in the market, and will save more than 100 thousand yuan of electricity in 1 years. The service life is very long and the area of the production site are greatly reduced, and it has a very high cost performance.

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