
Hoteline ( Mr.Yang)



Wu Hanmin, presently for Zhoushan Dinghai Tongfa Plastic Co., Ltd., chairman of the board, plastic machinery experts, has repeatedly been rated as advanced individual national plastic industry, outstanding communist party member, outstanding legal representative. On the one hand, his enterprise pairs up with institutions of higher learning to carry out services and provide production and research bases for colleges and universities. Last year the company with Zhejiang institute of Marine formation of extruder engineering technology research center in Zhejiang province .On the other hand, we actively carry out social public welfare services, the use of technology, talents and equipment, for the community and the alliance enterprise, resident units to provide technical guidance, personnel training and supporting services to do the soft touch, by the pairing service unit's consistent high praise. As the first "conical conical twin screw extruder" industry standard of our city the first straw man, has "the national invention patent" high and new technology enterprise.


In recent years, under the leadership of Wu Hanmin, enterprises have developed rapidly and the social visibility has been continuously improved. Company has repeatedly been rated as advanced city, area of private enterprise by the Chinese association awarded as 2009 national plastic industry advanced unit and municipal science and technology progress third prize for scientific and technological progress second prize all the time. In 2010, our company won the China plastic industry association awarded the contribution award. On January 26 in 2011, we were awarded the title of "outstanding professional talents with outstanding contributions" by Zhoushan municipal party committee and municipal government.

主站蜘蛛池模板: 青铜峡市| 牟定县| 永康市| 香港| 陕西省| 肥东县| 平湖市| 安塞县| 东莞市| 通州区| 福安市| 遂川县| 武义县| 安义县| 阿荣旗| 聊城市| 福清市| 连城县| 南昌县| 江北区| 广德县| 观塘区| 宜宾县| 卢湾区| 崇左市| 醴陵市| 合水县| 闻喜县| 潜江市| 宝山区| 林口县| 绥芬河市| 卢湾区| 海林市| 彭泽县| 依安县| 乌兰察布市| 阿拉善左旗| 常德市| 大方县| 永安市|