
Hoteline ( Mr.Yang)



In order to commemorate the 90th anniversary of the founding of the party, from June 24 to 25 in 2011, the party branch of our company and the party branch of the district food and drug administration jointly launched a red tour. The theme of the event is "a journey to relive the red words of the party's admission to the party -- commemorating the 90th anniversary of the founding of the party". The party branch organization the 15 members and the party activists to four daming mountain anti-japanese revolutionary base areas, visited the new fourth army in the east zhejiang guerrilla headquarters site, martyrs cemetery and the revolutionary martyrs monument. At the former site of the east zhejiang guerrilla headquarters, a ceremony was held to review the declaration of party membership. Through this activity, even if it was a profound revolution of patriotism education and traditional education, and more vividly felt the heroes of the revolution and struggle history, and enhance the affection between the building unit party member contact.


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