
Hoteline ( Mr.Yang)



In order to further promote the "dinghai pioneer" initiative competition for excellence in the in-depth development of the vast number of party members and staff to create enthusiasm. Recently, Dinghai Tongfa Machinery Co., Ltd. has launched a "post dedication, I have action, strive to be an excellent communist party member, strive to be a model worker" theme competition among all the party members.

Around the company put forward by the party branch to be outstanding communist party member "five leading the goal and to be" model worker "five good", combined the actual jobs every party worker, made "job offer, I have action" subject contests the specific plan of action. The party members' goal of "taking the lead" is to take the lead in learning and improving, take the lead in striving for great achievements, take the lead in serving the people, take the lead in abiding by discipline and law, and take the lead in promoting integrity. The "five good" requirements of the standard staff are: good professional dedication, good technical services, good unity and cooperation, good labor discipline and good performance.

The party branch of the company held a special convention on the commitment of theme competition activities. The secretary and chairman of the party branch took the lead in making a commitment to all the staff and workers for demonstration. Party members and staff members also read out their commitments and action plans for post dedication at the congress.

Company established creating activity appraisal system, each worker post offer a plan of action to carry out the situation, at the end of the year will be an assessment by the company, as the annual rewards and punishments and selection recommendation model worker and the basis of excellent party member. The development of the theme competition activities has greatly stimulated the enthusiasm of party members and staff to compete for the position and the self-consciousness of post dedication, and promoted the completion of various work tasks determined by the company at the beginning of the year.

黨員創(chuàng)先爭優(yōu) 職工爭當(dāng)標(biāo)兵.jpg

主站蜘蛛池模板: 贵德县| 香港| 眉山市| 皮山县| 筠连县| 湘阴县| 淮北市| 绥宁县| 阳山县| 尚志市| 南漳县| 锦州市| 安多县| 大兴区| 临夏市| 云阳县| 浦东新区| 舟曲县| 沙田区| 晋城| 木兰县| 阜康市| 石城县| 乌拉特后旗| 夹江县| 博湖县| 马尔康县| 淮安市| 手游| 二连浩特市| 阿克苏市| 乌拉特中旗| 盱眙县| 安康市| 玛沁县| 怀仁县| 南通市| 大余县| 铜陵市| 宁阳县| 珲春市|