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On the afternoon of April 9 in 2014, Quan Zhezhu, vice minister of the central united front department, secretary of the party group of the all-china federation of industry and commerce and executive vice chairman led the research group to our company for research. CPPCC vice chairman and secretary of provincial party committee united front work department Sun Wenyou, chairman of the standing committee of the CPPCC national committee, the provincial federation of industry and commerce chairman Nan Cunhui, chint group, deputy secretary of provincial party committee united front work department, the provincial federation of industry and commerce secretary of the party group, Li Renzhi, vice President of jian-fei li, provincial federation of industry and commerce and accompanied by city leaders Xin Haiping.

During the survey, the company legal representative, general manager, Wu Hanmin reported to the research group leader in the technical innovation work progress and difficulties existing in the development of company and requirement, etc.

After Quan Zhezuh hearing the report, he gave some encouraging words in technology innovation results. What’s more, he pointed out that the party committees and governments at all levels and industry organizations should attach great importance to the development of micro, small and medium enterprises and we should see the difficulties of the enterprise. We should give more support to small and medium-sized enterprises, implement relevant policies to promote their development and help enterprises to solve such problems as difficult financing and poor marketing channels. He also pointed out that Tong Fa has a lot of good aspects.



主站蜘蛛池模板: 镇平县| 阿拉善左旗| 江川县| 永昌县| 清苑县| 东光县| 府谷县| 华蓥市| 陆丰市| 连江县| 张北县| 绵阳市| 马关县| 铜梁县| 拜城县| 益阳市| 久治县| 弋阳县| 崇义县| 珲春市| 新密市| 巢湖市| 浠水县| 朝阳县| 诏安县| 佛教| 古交市| 郴州市| 明星| 常德市| 日照市| 呼和浩特市| 甘南县| 内乡县| 安仁县| 焉耆| 常州市| 小金县| 马关县| 徐汇区| 永新县|