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After nearly 1 years of repeated experiments, the company successfully developed alternative on the market at present all the tapered differential twin screw extruder screw mixing of high yield and high special screw, the screw with super mixing effect, greatly improving the products of mixing plasticizing effect, at the same time improve the output of more than 20%. The high yield and high mixing screw has been successfully developed, which has successfully solved the international problem of poor mixing effect of "tapered double screw" for decades.

Existing "tapered differential twin screw extruder," use of manufacturers or producers, as long as the original "cone double screw" replace my company production of "high yield and high mixing special screw, installation is very simple, use very convenient, don't need to change any machine parts, so this is the my company successfully developed" subdivided conical twin-screw extruder, and a revolutionary product, the success of the product research and development, will greatly improve the tapered differential twin screw extruder, the applicable scope of the improve various properties of the aircraft, in promoting the whole cone double extruder industry technology development!

主站蜘蛛池模板: 太原市| 桦南县| 砀山县| 枣阳市| 漳州市| 关岭| 宁津县| 万宁市| 抚顺市| 曲水县| 上杭县| 桐庐县| 二连浩特市| 昌宁县| 万安县| 藁城市| 上犹县| 同江市| 永年县| 广元市| 张掖市| 孝义市| 天柱县| 霍城县| 南川市| 上饶县| 将乐县| 彰化县| 麻栗坡县| 沭阳县| 环江| 新建县| 吉安市| 湖北省| 兴城市| 二手房| 阿克苏市| 芜湖县| 盱眙县| 红桥区| 新昌县|