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On March 14 in 2012, relevant leaders of the CPPCC office of che zhi broadband, chairman of the CPPCC, and wang han, secretary of the party and industry committee of yancang street, came to our company to inspect and guide the work. Car and Wang Shuji, chairman of the department leaders listen to chairman of the board of directors of the company han-min wu to the enterprise development, for the development of the company and give highly in scientific research, the chairman of the car and Wang Shuji after listen to said it intends to support the company research and development of science and technology innovation to establish a national center, and submitted to the district party committee and municipal party committee to provide corresponding policies and support the development of the company.

主站蜘蛛池模板: 喀喇| 大悟县| 扶余县| 灵丘县| 满洲里市| 化隆| 富锦市| 彰化市| 正镶白旗| 潞城市| 高碑店市| 田东县| 西林县| 南川市| 汝阳县| 历史| 托里县| 五河县| 运城市| 白沙| 楚雄市| 当雄县| 东兴市| 阜康市| 辉南县| 盐津县| 中卫市| 保定市| 高密市| 永靖县| 来凤县| 仙居县| 长汀县| 榆中县| 长丰县| 定日县| 简阳市| 南城县| 宿迁市| 高青县| 拉孜县|