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The production line of the conical twin screw XPS carbon dioxide foaming plate extruder was included in the national torch plan in October. This project adopts the subdivided conical twin-screw extrusion technology (patent number: ZL 200510118915.3), the current domestic XPS foamed board production equipment still rely on the introduction of owens corning company products to dominate the market, domestic also have similar equipment develops by oneself, but due to the low level of technology, the craft is imperfect, equipment and product quality stability and imported products there is still a considerable gap, makes the product has been on the low end the market, unable to expand market share. But my company independent research and development of the subdivided conical twin-screw extrusion technology, combined with the performance characteristics of XPS using CO2 as foaming agent, developed the subdivided conical twin-screw CO2 XPS foamed board production line, the product has the subdivided conical twin-screw extruder extrusion pressure, the advantages of good mixing effect, high output, at the same time, in view of the performance of foaming agent on the barrel, screw design optimization adjustment, the device at low temperature of melt extrusion, gas, and highly uniform, accurate temperature control requirements, using tandem extrusion production line, is the most ideal processing of CO2 XPS foamed board equipment.

After the success of the product research and development, for the XPS foamed board industry in our country as the replacement work will play a motivated, products on the market, will produce great economic benefit and social benefit, marketing prospect is very broad.

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