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In October this year, my company independent research and development "with double cone" brand "subdivided conical twin-screw extruder was listed in" zhejiang province famous brand products ", the product is my company independent research and development of the national invention patent product (patent no. : ZL 200510118915.3), the national key new products, in the domestic first. On December 30, 2007, the provincial product was signed as follows: the product features high mixing, high shear, high extrusion pressure, low extrusion temperature and good plasticizing performance. Pioneered in the product will be "conical double screw" and "synthetic" spin, the combination of both to keep the "tapered differential twin screw extruder" of the characteristics of big extrusion force and reached the same as "parallel twin-screw extruder" plasticizing performance is good, than similar domestic products specifications of the "cone differential twin screw extruder and parallel direction twin-screw extruder" about twice as high, than the power (30-50) %, energy-saving effect is remarkable. The main performance parameters have reached the international advanced level, and the products have filled the domestic gap. Our company is the first drafting unit of the national industry standard of "conical twin screw extruder". This product was awarded zhoushan famous brand product by zhoushan famous brand product identification committee in August 2008 and zhejiang famous brand product in October this year. In this way, I believe our general development enterprises can go up a ladder on the basis of stable development.

主站蜘蛛池模板: 项城市| 诏安县| 拜泉县| 夏津县| 仁布县| 宜城市| 武清区| 佛冈县| 额尔古纳市| 永川市| 启东市| 微山县| 江源县| 眉山市| 镇巴县| 三河市| 阿克陶县| 三明市| 周宁县| 界首市| 平阳县| 彰化县| 德兴市| 乌苏市| 米脂县| 黔西| 九龙县| 馆陶县| 永泰县| 杭州市| 湘潭市| 个旧市| 泾源县| 高雄市| 蕉岭县| 翁源县| 扶余县| 察隅县| 广宁县| 获嘉县| 化德县|